Jessica Poundstone

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Design Milk Features Jessica Poundstone & 11 Other Artists Exploring the Link Between Creativity & Wellness

Design Milk asked 12 creatives “How do you use art and creative expression as a way to promote your wellbeing?”

I love this question. And I loved hearing all of the answers! I’ve included mine and a few of my favorite thoughts here - see the full article over at Design Milk!

“For me, making art, looking at art, and being in community with others who make and love art are all equally important parts of my creative life and practice. They are each essential to my wellbeing – both physical and metaphysical! – in ways that I don’t fully understand!”

Jessica Poundstone

“When I am working in my studio I feel like I am using all my faculties through visual language. Ceramic sculpture is a humbling practice. Thanks to clay, I have learned non-attachment and patience.”

Angel Oloshove (Angel’s Website & Instagram)

“What I do know is that beauty is inherently hopeful. It celebrates the best of what humans can be and do, and connects us to the realm of the ‘deeply true.’”

Jessica Poundstone

“With weaving, you can really get into a flow state and take a mental break for a while.”

Samantha Bittman (Samantha’s Instagram & the website for the Catskill Weaving School, which Samantha founded!)

“Holding beauty close — even when things in my life or in the world feel like they are falling apart — is an ongoing act of resistance to despair, and an essential form of self-care. 10/10 recommend :)”

-Jessica Poundstone

“Adding some color to your day, whether it be on your nails or a rug, can make you feel more energized whenever you look down at your hands or spend time in your living room.”

Monica Ahanonu (Monica’s Website & Instagram)

Thank you Lilit Barseghyan and Vy Yang for including me in this amazing roundup!